Dutch Power Supplier Essent Has Signed a Cooperation Agreement with Dutch Solar Developer Solaroor to Build a 5 MW Electrolysis Unit

The hydrogen plant was initially powered by a photovoltaic power plant, but Essent also uses wind power when there is not enough sunlight. The energy company also plans to deploy some battery storage capacity at the plant to temporarily store surplus solar energy that cannot be immediately converted into hydrogen or fed back into the grid.

"This is the first project in the Netherlands to use ground-mounted floating solar parks, batteries, and electrolyzers for sustainable hydrogen production while addressing grid congestion and ensuring a balanced energy network," Essent said in a statement.

EV Charge Socket

Vahid Kharidar, Director of Solinoor, said: “Green hydrogen is made with sustainable electricity. Solinoor is developing solar power parks across the Netherlands to be used as a source of electricity for hydrogen production. We believe that even with the challenge of limited grid transmission capacity, we can There always be solutions that will enable the industry to achieve 100% green energy.”

According to Essent, potential customers are able to choose to switch to 100% hydrogen immediately, or they can initially use a hydrogen-natural gas blend fuel and then fully convert to hydrogen later. "In this way, we will help entrepreneurs make the transition to a green future in a responsible and controlled way," Escent said.